Off to work (a few days ago..) You don't want to see today's oufit; workout clothes and no make-up. I've been studying all day (yay for no more vacation :/), and I'm off to work out after that.
On that note, I'm not really sure how to dress for the weather outside right now. 0 degrees (celcius), rainy and super icy on the ground. I should wear a thousand layers so that in case I fall, I will at least land soft. Not very blogger friendly.
Top and necklace; H&M.
Yes, this is my bookshelf. Why are there clothes there, you might ask. I'll tell you why. Because my closet it full, my drawer has almost collapsed (don't think it could handle the weight of my tops and sweaters), so this was my last option. I will seriously marry the person that gives me a walk-in-closet. I am going to Paris in February for my birthday, and I am considering a shopping-stop until that. I think my shelves/closet/drawer will appreciate it.
I didn't really make any resolutions this year. It never seems to work out anyway, so I might as well save the energy. Nevertheless, I still have hopes for the new year. 2010 was a good year, but I am hoping that 2011 will be a great one. It started out pretty great, as I spent New Years Eve in Stockholm with amazing people. So, let's just hope that the start was only a preview for what's about to come.
How's you year been so far?