Remember the jacket that I bid for in Ebay? I GOT IT :D I was so happy.. There were only two downsides to it all; 1) the time difference. I had to wake up 4.15 in the morning to watch the item. And of course, when it was all over, I was wide awake, and couldn't sleep. There's irony for you.. 2) it got to be a bit more expensive that I had hoped for. Actually a lot more.. But it doesn't matter, really. It is so pretty :) Plus, what are Mastercards for, anyway?! ;) Still.. Nr. 1 still has a hold on me. I'm at school, I've already had too much coffee, and I have a termpaper to write. Well, well.. I'll survive.

Ah, my favourite closet in the whole, wide world.. Almost, anyway. Oh, and there's a second Sex and the City-movie coming :) Everyone knows that already, probably, I have just forgotten to write anything about it until now...
4 kommentarer:
Gratulerer! Vet du hvor du ønsket deg den jakken.. Gleder meg til å se den på ;-) Det er sånne ting som verdt å stå opp for :-P
Tusen takk :) Ja, den var høyt på ønskelista.
Grats with the jacket!=) Hope to se a picture of it!=)
Takk :) Bilder kommer, vettu!
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