On Friday the Norwegian "Fashion with a purpose" show will be the big happening in Oslo. If I was home, I would definitely go! It's 475 kr for each ticket, and this year the money will go to Kirkens Bymisjon, a Norwegian organization that focuses on helping heavely drug-addicted people. All the stylists, make-up artist and staff works for free, so that all the money will go to the organization. This is actually the third time this event has been organized. I think it's a wonderful concept, and if you are anywhere near Oslo this friday, I hope you will go and see the show. You have to be 20 years to get in, probably because of the alcohol ;) They will show 4 runway shows, where one of them will be inspired by the gothic-theme, that Luella showed in their runway show. Enjoy!
Photo: Luella
5 kommentarer:
I wanna go...
du får flytte til hovedstaden igjen...he he
Da var plutselig fredagen planlagt gitt:)
Faen, dette høres jo ut som noe selv jeg kunne gått på!
Celine: det frister veldig. Hehe.. Men blir vel ikke før om et par år.
Later that day: du får kose deg! Blir sikkert veldig gøy.
Roy Andrè: ja, sant det ;) Men nå har du fashionweek i Stockholm da, så synes ikke synd på deg :P
Jeg har kjempe lyst og kan jeg dra, men så er det pengene.. :P Æsj! Jeg kommer til å misunne dem som drar...
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