Today I went shopping with a friend of mine; Else. It was really nice, with the snow on the ground. Perfect harmony (until the bus wouldn't show up, and it snowed like hell, that is). I bought a few things, like a bag and a small purse, but since my camera is broken, I have no pictures to show you. Maybe I will find a way later :)
Of course, I have big plans for the evening; make myself a coup of tea, read some magazines and keep knitting on my scarf.. Perhaps I will even watch a movie. Going out in this weather is not very temting..
Photo from InStyle.
2 kommentarer:
Godt å se at det er kaldt i Trondheim også!
Du burde se Ed Wood i kveld, den skal visst være bra!
Tenkte jeg skulle se den selv i kveld.
Nå er det plutselig regn og sånn her, det er litt dritt..
Ed Wood har jeg faktisk ikke hørt om.. Hm.
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