This picture is from last weekend, so this is not what I wore on thursday. I figured that what I wore on thursday was kinda boring, så there was really no point in showing it to you guys :P No posts yesterday, basically because I was pretty hungover, and didn't do anything constructive the entire day. Me and my roomie Nina spent most of our day on the sofa, which probably was the best thing to do. It was really fun, though! Plenty of drinks, dancing and people - the perfect night.
Tonight Nina and I will make nachos and watch TV. That's the best thing for my wallet right now, but next weekend there will be some money on my account again, and I will be able to buy some stuff and go out again. Went by BikBok the other day, and there are plenty of things I want to buy when I get my hands on some money again..
6 kommentarer:
love the belt with that dress!!
thanks :D I rarely use pink, so needed something a bit more edgy to make up for the cuteness..
Rå kul outfit!! Likte det veldig godt! :)
Var det den du kjøpte i Berlin..? Var veldig fint! :):)
Noshabelle: tusen takk :) Litt søtt antrekk, til en forandring.
Christina: nei, den her er faktisk et skjørt fra Fretex som jeg gjorde om til kjole :)
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