I have a thing for ripped jeans.. I haven't wore it in a while, but I am today (the rest of the outfit is not exciting at all, which is why this is not an outfit post). I stumbled over this picture the other day, and I immediately noticed the ripping.. Amazing. I think I need a pair of these. I have no idea where to find them, though.. But if it's fate.. Not that I believe in fate, so this might actually turn out to be quite a problem.
Today it's thursday, so (as usual - a terrifying development I may add) I am going out. Maybe I'll find something fun to wear, so that I can post an outfit picture.. Been a while since I've done that.
4 kommentarer:
Oooh, I like! Jeg skal lage mine egne i kveld. Jeg gleder meg - skal til og med bruke sandpapir. Woho!
Forresten du er blitt tagged. Sjekk bloggen min. ;)
kult bilde
Noshabelle: det hørtes veldig bra ut! Hehe.. Skal sjekke taggen nå ;)
Celine: liker det veldig godt ;) dumt jeg ikke husker helt hvor jeg fant det.
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